The Gayatri House (centre for street and slum children) has been running summer camps for the fourth consecutive week now, just like for our Sponsorship programs.

During the holidays, the Gayatri House receives 100-120 children on an average every day. The idea is to do activities with the children, but also simply to offer them a safe place to spend their free holiday time while their parents are working. It is an occasion for these children to have three wholesome meals everyday, which they do not receive at their homes, due to difficult financial and social situations.

The weekly activities conducted in the camps include games, dance, art and craft activities, Ludomobile, and several child rights awareness sessions by Childline.

We also held sessions of “Playdagogy” from our “Awareness through Sports and Games program” at the Botanical garden. A special free medical camp along with Childline and PIMS hospital was organized on the 30th of April.

A special team of doctors (pediatricians/dermatologists) and technicians came that day, and 121 children were able to have their health checked up thanks to this camp. Free medication was also provided.

This summer camp is free of charge and open to all the street and slum children who access the Gayatri House. Unlike the camps for the children from the Sponsorship programs who have a one-week camp depending on their age; the Gayatri House invites all the deserving children from ages 1-18 to come every day, for the entire six weeks of annual school holidays.

This allows us to keep these children positively engaged in a trustful environment, away from the abuse and violence in the streets and slums of Pondicherry.